Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Painting Crit Research

Jackson Pollock

Number 18 - 1950 - Jackson Pollock
Pollock paints his work on the floor, he dripped the paint which meant that he never quite had control of the way that it would fall and the shapes that are made have movement. He has been influenced by the Mexican artists Orozco and Rivera. His painting are very free and fluid. They like my work have a movement within them and also play with colours.
Piet mondrain


Piet Mondrian is inspired from architecture and creates very structured and bold paintings. He only uses primary colour and black and white. The lines are very bold and clean cut, they are often in grids and are regular patterns. I think that I could take his use of line and take it to influence my work when I develop it.

Bridget Riley

Movement in Squares- 1961- Bridget Riley
Riley uses line and contrasting colours to create optical illusions. The paint is very smooth and the lines are perfect. She uses black and white quite often because they are quite easy to trick the eye. Her paintings have movement in them because of the illusion that they give they look like water and as if they are moving into another part of the painting. her work is inspired by events in her life and how she overcame them. I think that I could reflect her use of line in my work.

Staying faithful to paint- Fiona Rae

Fiona Rae

Fiona Rae's work uses very fluid use of bold line and complimenting colour combinations. Her work is mainly meant to be ascetically pleasing rather than have a hidden meaning behind them, they are just meant to please the eye. This is a quality I tend to have with my work Rae just wants to evoke emotion from the viewer. I really like Rae's use of colour, but I'm not overwhelmed by her actual work it just doesn't seem to have more substance. I think to develop my work more I need to give my work more of a reasoning.

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