Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Obsessive writing

An example of Graphomania
I am looking at the mental illness of Graphomania which is the the mental disability which makes you obsessively write and draw, this is also known as Scribomania.  When statements are written they often don't make sense and are rambled they have no direct meaning. The statements or drawings are often about something that has had deeply had a impact on the suffer. They could be of anything related to the incident. 

This is very similar to Hypergrahia which is a condition that gives you a great desire to constantly write. Suffers of this condition tend to write with sense, but in tiny detail often to the minute even. Also they tend to write lists, poetry and essays, but rarely with substance. This condition is related to epilepsy also a mental condition, but is also possibly caused by bipolar and schizophrenia. This is interesting as I have already researched these and it suggests that there are some great links between mental illness and creativity. 

I think that I am going to take inspiration from these conditions to start making a start on my work. I want to experiment with pattern and words and then repeating it over again to see where I get to.

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